Reshaping Data | Engagement | Loyalty

Reshaping Data | Engagement | Loyalty Reshaping Data | Engagement | Loyalty

Twist Blog

Unlock the marketing gold trapped within your business.

More relevant, better targeted marketing will give you an immediate increase in revenue. My last client enjoyed a 100% revenue uplift for email, year on year.

We all know what we’re trying to achieve…

…RIGHT message, at the RIGHT time to the RIGHT person, (with the RIGHT context)

The struggle is moving from ‘I know WHAT’ to ‘this is HOW

At Twist we’ve developed a step-by-step approach to identifying 8 key considerations when creating your marketing strategy & campaign plans.

These steps are provided in a deliberate order to define & match the most relevant part of your business offering to the right customer.

We’re all consumers, so we know the power of marketing messages that resonate with us at that moment. “Relevance engages, engagement converts.”

The great news is that much of the insight & knowledge required to inform your planning is already held within your business. So here are some ideas of where to look.


Steps 1-4 to relevance

Steps 5-8 to relevance

Don’t panic if you’re missing some of these, identifying consideration gaps is just as important for your future planning.

This guide is free to you here.

If we can help you develop your marketing strategy & unlock your “marketing gold” please get in touch, we love a hello.

About this post

Posted on 15-06-2018 by in eCRMEmailFeaturedGuidesStrategy
Tags: GuidesPersonalisationSegmentationStrategy

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